K-Wurf / K-Litter


geb./born: 2.5.2023



Nellys ze Zlaté hvězdy "Nelly"

Owner: Brigitte Antl



Limited Edition Ash of Summergarden "You"



2 Rüden / 2 males in blue merle and tricolor

2 Hündinnen / 2 females in tricolor


Follow our dog's and puppies on instagram and facebook.

Name & BesitzerIn / Name & Owner's:

_ "Kieran of Summergarden" (tricolor Rüde/male) will live in Belgium with Sylvie Van Autryve

_ "Keisha-Lynn of Summergarden" (tricolor female) will live in Germany with family Stolpe

_ "Kelai of Summergarden" (tricolor Hündin/female) will live in Italy with Valentina Penna

_ "Keeper in Heaven of Summergarden" (blue merle Rüde/male) will live in Switzerland with           Salomé Kurmann


Gewichte / Weight's

4 Wochen / 4 weeks

2 Wochen / 2 weeks

1 Woche / 1 week

Unsere Eltern / Our parents

 Last Update






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