J-Wurf / J-Litter


geb./born: 8.1.2023



Pretty woman of Summergarden "Una"



Sunaire Dream Dancer "Kilian"



3 Rüden / 3 males in tricolor

1 Hündin / 1 female in tricolor

Name & BesitzerIn / Name & Owner's:


_ Jump for fun of Summergarden (tricolor male) owner: Terese Houston (USA)

_ James Bond of Summergarden (tricolor male) owner: Almut Bärtl (AUT)

_ Just for me of Summergarden (tricolor male) owner: Eva Gehmair (AUT)

_ Jill Fleur of Summergarden (tricolor female) she will stay at home


Gewichte / Weight's

Fotos mit 6 Wochen / Photos with 6 weeks:

Fotos mit 3 Wochen / Photos with 3 weeks:

Fotos von der 1. und 2. Woche / Photos from 1st & 2nd week:

Unsere Eltern / Our parents ♥ Batida & Luxor

 Last Update






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